Success Actually Starts Here….

Do you know where weight loss success actually starts?​It starts….. in the mind.

Meaning if you do not have the proper mindset heading into and along your journey, then it doesn’t matter what meal plan or workout plan you create, you will most likely not follow through with it long-term.​Being able to follow your plan long-term is what you want so that you are not constantly on again off again and getting stuck in that never-ending cycle😵‍💫

​You can end that cycle by knowing these 5 Mindset Traps Keeping You from Losing Weight and then following my tips on how to overcome them!​

1. **All-or-nothing thinking**: This mindset trap involves seeing weight loss as you’re either perfectly sticking to your plan or you’ve failed completely. This can lead to feelings of guilt or inadequacy when faced with setbacks or times when you need to deviate from the plan, because, well, life happens. Instead, have a more balanced perspective, where small victories are celebrated, and setbacks are seen as opportunities for learning and growth. Making this shift is more productive and can lead to long-term success.​

2. **Negative self-talk**: Constant self-criticism or harsh judgment can truly sabotage your weight loss efforts. You may find yourself constantly berating yourself for not meeting your weight loss goals or if you feel dissatisfied with the way you look. Instead, practice self-compassion, consider how you would speak to a close family member or friend, and practice positive affirmations to help counteract this mindset trap. I often remind myself, “Sharae, you can do hard things!”​

3. **Comparison trap**: social media and outside pressures can lead to comparing yourself to others, especially when it comes to body image and weight loss. This can create feelings of not being good enough and discourage progress if you think that other women are more successful, or weight loss is easier for them. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and progress should be measured against personal goals and milestones rather than external standards.

4. **Emotional eating**: Turning to food as a source of comfort or stress relief can lead to emotional eating habits that can stall weight loss efforts. Instead, address the underlying emotions driving these behaviors, such as stress, boredom, or loneliness, is crucial for developing healthier coping mechanisms and breaking free from this cycle. Depending on the severity, you may want to seek professional help if you believe that is the next best step for you.​

5. **Perfectionism**: Striving for perfection in weight loss can set unrealistic expectations and lead to frustration and burnout. You may feel pressure to achieve a certain body shape. It’s important to recognize that perfection is unattainable and that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Instead, embrace flexibility and focus on developing healthier habits rather than perfection; this will lead to a more sustainable and fulfilling weight loss journey.

These mindset traps can be challenging to overcome, but with self-awareness, support, and patience, you can develop healthier attitudes towards weight loss and achieve your goals in a more sustainable and fulfilling way.​

If you need help shifting your mindset, then I want to invite you to learn more about my 3-Month VIP Small Group Coaching Program for Career Women + Entrepreneurs who want to lose weight without going on another diet ❌​In my program we take a holistic approach by focusing on Nutrition, Movement, and of course, Mindset!

We dive into Stress Management & Self Care, Mindset & Habits for Powerful Results, Understanding & Conquering Cravings, Exercise Strategies to Maximize Results, Meal Planning for Weight Loss Success, and MORE!

Join us for community, support, (from other women who are on a similar path) and personalized accountability (from someone who’s been in your shoes – Me!) Chat with you soon!​

In your corner,​
Fab + Fit Coaching, LLCNutritionist, Women’s Health Coach, Published Author